Change from a culture of shipping to a culture of learning


Before going to the LeanUxFest conference, I did not think LeanUx was going to trigger such a shift in my mind. I was struggling for month to resolve internal disagreements about the design process in an agile environment.

The main concern is that agile is brainless, it solely focuses on collaboration and delivering feature. It doesn’t always take the time to ask himself the question: “Are we making the right things?



Amazon can ship in 11,6 sec but has this sensing layer that allows him to roll-back if the kpi’s are going down. Fast delivery is great because it allows you to get quick feedback and react on it.

But why do you need that?

Yesterday assumption dont work with todays realities

Between Roadmaps, features, useless meetings, funding rounds, strategy shifts, … how do you start learning from your customers and measure success? Here are my notes and thoughts compiled for you.

Maximizing creativity and learnings from the product

Nowadays, every company that as a bit of scale is a software company. Even the New York Times switched to be a software company that delivers high quality journalism content instead of journalistic company with an online presence. link

And every software company that need to scale need to think about creating a global learning culture instead of creating individual silos. In return it will help the team to make evidence based making decisions and improve the global quality of the product.

Many time we assume the projects managers or cto’s know best but in reality we never know how it’s going to end up. The idea is to quicker validate our assumptions so that it can drive our future decisions. The more swings you take at a problem, the better.

Focus on the problems and not the features

From Jeff Gothelf talk the 5 steps to achieve that should be:

The Anatomy of the team

Thinks to avoid:

All that leads to less team cohesion, frustration, product quality and less productivity.


How do we task the team

Thinks to avoid:


If the measure of success is features, the product becomes bloated Roadmap should be a list of questions not features! Features on their own are not a measure of success

How should we work

Thinks to avoid:

Change how the team works:

Why should you invest for this culture of innovation

You must transform from a culture of delivery to a culture of learning


They are multiple tools at our disposal to collaboratively iterate over design considerations:

Empathy map

Empathy Mapping helps us consider how other people are thinking and feeling. Its a quick way to enters into the head of our users and consider the problems they have while using our products. It’s stimulates teams to find innovative solutions while building knowledge about our clients. (source)

The 6-8-5

This sketch-boarding technique called the 6-8-5 method asked team members to produce 6-8 sketches in 5 minutes. By limiting the time frame, this force us to focus on the essential. (source)

One of the most important aspect about leanUx is to create ownership

Facts checking map (post-it board)

In order to evaluate and prioritize our assumptions and facts while exploring a problem, it is useful to draw a big line on a board and organize the post-it from ‘not true’ to ‘true’ (make sure true statements have evidence to support them).

Not sure <—————————————–> True (with evidence)

Do less More often to do More

Mapping Problem to personnas

Make a collective brainstorm and define :

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