You probably don’t need an automatic admin framework

Automatic admin framework (like rails_admin, active_admin,…), or admin template (like Inspina, Forest admin,…) have been on the market for quite some time, and are still very popular. Whereas it can give the impression to get something running quickly without development time, it is at the expense of things often mistakenly deemed less important.

I will try to analyse both auto admin and templates separately as they create their own sets of problems.

Automatic admin frameworks

Where they succeed

Where they fail


While the impression of «getting things done» may exist, it can quickly become a nightmare when you need to handle more complex flows, do live / async validations or create some ad-hoc ui (usability, branding, help, formatting,…).

Treat your staff as your users

I heard many times «it does what we need it to do». I also noticed that these companies did’nt have any designers at the time, which is imho one of the biggest problem.

Unless the company is «design driven», it does not often consider admin internal users as «normal users» and disregards their needs for good interfaces (If you wonder what I mean, check these principles).

As users tend to accomodate bad ui, it may seem it’s not important for them. Yet think about the time they loose with bad ui and how it affects their mood daily.

You can hear these poor internal users think:

sigh, I’ll have to use that form again today.

I’ll get the blame if I make a mistake, and those validations are not so useful.

They say they’ll revamp the admin, for me it’s another ui to learn and to get used to.

The cost factor

Another aspect is the cost of change. Automatic admin framework give you the illusion to get massive features for you money (dev time). What I see is that these features are rarely what will make your business successful. You often don’t need all these features.

I’m claiming that building the tools you need with just what you need will help you better react to change.

It will cost you less than converting the whole admin to a custom build when the automatic one doesn’t cover your needs anymore (unless you switch very early, when you don’t have too many things).

The design mindset

Using automatic admins is sometimes also revealing of the lack of «Design driven mindset». If your product is a little bit more than a «wysiwyg», there are a lot of chances that you’ll be stuck with a «not ideal ui».

So why even starting with something like that while you could reduce your scope to deliver useful and delightful user experience from the get go?

Css Admin templates

Where they succeed

Where they fail


Aside big popular css frameworks (bootstrap, foundations, material design,…), many admin design frameworks that I’ve seen are build by single individuals (some theme-forest one for example). It’s not a bad thing per se, but you expose yourself to many potential maintainability issues:

Fixing it would cost you a lot, diverge from the base code and make potential updates even more costly. So you end up adding stuff on top of it, and as it’s already bad, you don’t care if your code is bad too (the broken window effect).

Design lazyness effect

I remember my typography teacher telling me:

Don’t draw on graph paper, you will unconsciously want to follow the lines!

Using admin css framework, or any css framework actually, never excuses you for not designing.

When companies that have no «design culture» choose a css framework, they often think that it will improve their design.

With the famous «it’s good enough» approach, they will choose within the components of the pre-built framework without asking themselves if that is the best way to solve their desgin problem.

To extend my typography teacher’s quote: «They will draw on the lines».


Choosing an automatic admin framework is most likely a bad idea, you’ll save money and gain flexibility developing ad-hoc interfaces.

It’s time to stop thinking good design is a «nice to have». Design is as important and takes as much time as good code.

Your internal users are your users as well, treat them with respect.

Use a css framework that is well maintained, not admin framework. Build and reuse components across your products if they solve the same issues.

Don’t follow the REST inspired interface because your code does, create one that matches your flows.

There are use cases where you will say «we had good reasons to choose it» and that’s probably true. But the cost of change will be double.

My comments are there to make you think about the future and what kind of products you want to deliver.

As usual, comments and critics are welcome on twitter @borisrorsvort

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